Thursday, May 8, 2008

Easter Egg Hunts

One of the perks of having two sets of grandparents living in the same town, is having two Easter egg hunts. We did one at the Slates' on Saturday--we had perfect weather and it was sunny outside. Then overnight the weather changed and it was cold and rainy on Sunday. We had to do the hunt very quickly in between the rain showers.

Asking Great Granny for some help finding the eggs...
On the hunt, very serious...
Great Granny had a front row seat for all of the action.
A lot of the eggs had sour warheads in them. Pop tried his hand at the warhead...

...then Kristen and Brad tried...

...let's just say, it wasn't as great as Brad remembered!

Easter Egg Hunt II
We don't have any pictures of my side of the family because as we were trying to get all of the kids together, Reese fell and hit her head on the doll baby bed. No worries, a little love from Dad and her pacey and all her tears dried up.

This was the only place in mom's and dad's yard that wasn't flooded...the guys weren't pleased they had to place the eggs in the rain.

Rylee is not getting the eggs as fast as everyone else and she starts to get upset...

(let's not forget that she had just hunted a full basket of eggs, not 24 hours earlier)

(also notice there are still plenty of eggs on the ground, but still the tears come.)It took a little while to get the hang of it, but by the end she was hunting like a pro.