Friday, September 12, 2008

Dinner Conversations with Rylee

The dinner table at our house last night....we ate at home 5 days in a row, a record for our family.

Rylee: When are we going to get more money? (she wants to eat out.)

Brad: Maybe Santa will bring us money for Christmas.

Dee Ann: Brad?

Brad: What maybe he will...

Rylee: Dad, you know Santa isn't real...

Brad and Dee Ann: WHAT??????

Rylee: Santa is just a fairy tale.

Dee Ann: Who told you that?

Rylee: I just know.

Dee Ann: (because Brad just started snickering instead of trying to help.) No, Santa is real, he's not a fairy tale. Who told you that.

Rylee: Mom, I know he isn't real, I saw it on TV.

Dee Ann: Well, Santa brought you your Disney TV for Christmas, if Santa isn't real then who brought you the TV?

Rylee: Oh, well....maybe he is real. Do you know what I want for my birthday?

Dee Ann: No, what?

Rylee: A pink transformer.....


Jennifer W said...

Yeah for the 5 days in a row! Can we ask Santa for money too? Jenna told me she would ask Santa for a DS because it wouldn't cost me any money because he would make it. Plus G Mommy has his phone number so he must be real.