Sunday, September 21, 2008

Who is Who?

Can you tell which one is Reese and which one is Rylee? Both pictures were taken when they were 2 1/2 years old.

Answer: left, Rylee and right, Reese

Rylee's Birthday Pictures

Here is a preview. Just click on the link below to see all the pictures.

Friday, September 12, 2008

Dinner Conversations with Rylee

The dinner table at our house last night....we ate at home 5 days in a row, a record for our family.

Rylee: When are we going to get more money? (she wants to eat out.)

Brad: Maybe Santa will bring us money for Christmas.

Dee Ann: Brad?

Brad: What maybe he will...

Rylee: Dad, you know Santa isn't real...

Brad and Dee Ann: WHAT??????

Rylee: Santa is just a fairy tale.

Dee Ann: Who told you that?

Rylee: I just know.

Dee Ann: (because Brad just started snickering instead of trying to help.) No, Santa is real, he's not a fairy tale. Who told you that.

Rylee: Mom, I know he isn't real, I saw it on TV.

Dee Ann: Well, Santa brought you your Disney TV for Christmas, if Santa isn't real then who brought you the TV?

Rylee: Oh, well....maybe he is real. Do you know what I want for my birthday?

Dee Ann: No, what?

Rylee: A pink transformer.....

Sunday, September 7, 2008

Sweet and Sassy

I took the girls to get their finger and toe nails painted before school started. Rylee really enjoyed getting it done. (I didn't get her a pedicure and manicure, just paint.)

Here is Rylee after, I wasn't quick enough to get a picture of her during.
Here is Reese getting her finger nails. Doesn't she look so big?

The Lowe's were in town

Chris and Anna were the leaders of our life group 3 years ago. They left right after Reese was born to be missionaries in Asia. This is the first time we have seen them in 2 years.

These are some of the original members of our group. We are missing the Hoes, that now live in Abilene.

When they left Reese and Abby were 2 months old, Rylee was 2 1/2 and Thatcher wasn't even a thought yet, and Kari and Chad still lived in Ft. Worth and didn't have the boys.

Front: Mike, Thatcher, Angela Porter, Jackie (pregnant w/#3), Abigail, Natalie, Joe Friend
Back: Chris and Anna, Rylee, me, Brad, and Reese's really hard to get 5 toddlers to all look at the camera at the same time.

Anna and Thatcher
Reese, Karys and Hannah Walls, and Rylee. The Walls were our SS teachers for 2 years.
Anna and the girls.
Chris and Anna and the girls.