Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Kids Say the Darnest Things!!

Last night we were eating at Chili's. When I asked Rylee what she wanted to eat, this is the conversation that followed.

DA: What do you want for dinner?

Rylee: I can't read, can you tell me what they say?

DA: hamburger, corn dog, macaroni and cheese, ...

Rylee: macaroni and cheese, but it makes me sick

(background: Rylee has only thrown up about 5 times in her short life and she ate mac and cheese for 2 of those times, hence mac and cheese makes her sick)

DA: I don't think it is going to make you sick.

Rylee: Well, I won't eat too much of it. That way it won't make me sick.

DA: That sounds good, what side do you want?

Rylee: Mom, I don't like cheese, because it has sugar in it. And a lot of sugar makes me sick. So, I'll only eat a little of my macaroni and cheese so I don't get sick.

DA: Well, that sounds very smart. (She is only 4, it sounded smart in her 4 yr old logic.) What side do you want, you get one? (I then start reading the side choices)

Rylee: mashed potatoes, I like mashed potatoes....

Update: She ate the entire bowl of macaroni and cheese and didn't get sick


Abigail said...

Was this when we were all at Chili's... or was that just a similar conversation?... Very cute/funny :)