Heading out for assembly...we were trying to get them to hold the rope, but they wanted to do a train instead.... This is Ethan...he has the sweetest personality and the cutest blond curly hair I've ever seen...
Reese going down the slide with static in her hair...
This is Tyler and his popsicle, I tried for 10 minutes to get a picture of him looking at me smiling. His parents are in our Sunday School class.
This is one of the prizes Rylee won at SSS.
Saturday, June 28, 2008
SSS--Night 3
Posted by The Slates at 9:32 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, June 25, 2008
SSS--Night 2
I didn't take any pictures the second night, but the kids got to play with water and sand outside, and then ate popsicles. Angela took this picture of Reese and Thatcher.
Posted by The Slates at 4:46 PM 0 comments
Sunday, June 22, 2008
She's Not a Baby Anymore!!
My baby isn't a baby anymore. We took the side of her crib off and she is sleeping right now as a big girl. She hasn't gotten out of her bed, even when her sister went in to check on her...
And 30 minutes later....this is how I found her when I checked on her. She didn't cry, so we are pretty sure she put herself there.
Posted by The Slates at 10:31 PM 1 comments
Super Summer Spectacular 2008--Night 1
SSS (VBS) started tonight. I'm working in Reese's room. All the kids in her class have parents that are working at SSS. Rylee is getting to go with the entering Kindergarten kids, even though she won't be in school in August.
We were walking to the auditorium for the singing. (They are holding milk jug handles attached to a jump rope, pretty neat idea.) Here we are listening to the singing. Amanda, who teaches with Angela, Angela, and me with 7 kids around the age of 2.
Starting to warm up, we have some hands clapping...
We are going strong now, jumping and pumping our hands in the air, or in Reese's case, waving.
Considering all of these kids go to bed around 8pm and SSS wasn't over until 9pm, they are did pretty well!!
Posted by The Slates at 10:18 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, June 18, 2008
Kids Say the Darnest Things!!
Last night we were eating at Chili's. When I asked Rylee what she wanted to eat, this is the conversation that followed.
DA: What do you want for dinner?
Rylee: I can't read, can you tell me what they say?
DA: hamburger, corn dog, macaroni and cheese, ...
Rylee: macaroni and cheese, but it makes me sick
(background: Rylee has only thrown up about 5 times in her short life and she ate mac and cheese for 2 of those times, hence mac and cheese makes her sick)
DA: I don't think it is going to make you sick.
Rylee: Well, I won't eat too much of it. That way it won't make me sick.
DA: That sounds good, what side do you want?
Rylee: Mom, I don't like cheese, because it has sugar in it. And a lot of sugar makes me sick. So, I'll only eat a little of my macaroni and cheese so I don't get sick.
DA: Well, that sounds very smart. (She is only 4, it sounded smart in her 4 yr old logic.) What side do you want, you get one? (I then start reading the side choices)
Rylee: mashed potatoes, I like mashed potatoes....
Update: She ate the entire bowl of macaroni and cheese and didn't get sick
Posted by The Slates at 10:12 PM 1 comments
Tuesday, June 17, 2008
The Girls got a Haircut
Posted by The Slates at 4:59 PM 0 comments
Reese got her first haircut with a professional. She did really well until it was time to take her picture for a First Haircut package that we were getting.
she kept hiding her face...we finally moved her to the yellow taxi.
Posted by The Slates at 4:54 PM 0 comments
Gifts from Hawaii
Uncle Ben and Aunt Kristen went to Hawaii a couple of weeks ago and brought the girls grass skirts and coconut tops. THANKS Kristen and Ben!!
Posted by The Slates at 4:48 PM 0 comments
An Afternoon With Mickey and Friends
Rylee did well for a full auditorium and lights and scenery behind her. Her ballet dance was Minnie and Me, they danced with a Minnie Mouse doll.
Posted by The Slates at 10:16 AM 1 comments
Friday, June 13, 2008
This has Brad's name all over it.......
Brad was mowing the grass and I was sweeping the drive and the girls were playing in Duke's cage. Brad is the one who told them to both get inside at the same time.
Posted by The Slates at 1:07 AM 1 comments
Charger Soccer Camp 2008
Rylee went to the soccer camp put on by the soccer program at Central. She did really well and actually enjoyed it. The 4s were called the Baby Bolts (Central's mascot is the Chargers with a lightning bolt as the symbol) They are all "parking the car." The woman with the ball cap is the head girls coach and she taught next door to me for two years.
Melissa Forgey, head coach, and Rylee
Getting her award...
Posted by The Slates at 12:11 AM 0 comments
Thursday, June 12, 2008
A.P. Williams Family Reunion 2008
This is Mom's family...It was held in New Braunfels, at Landa Park. It was an interesting park with a lot of stuff to do, but it was HOT!! Here are the kids in the tree. Jennifer, Jason, and Jenna didn't get to come because of Jenna's dance recital, but we brought Jackson with us. (Let's just say traveling with 3 kids was very different than 2.) All the kids trying to climb the trees...
Posted by The Slates at 11:42 PM 0 comments