Saturday, February 23, 2008

Chick-fil-A Seminar 2008

This was our hotel, the Marriott World Center in Orlando.

The theme of seminar was Great Leaders S.E.R.V.E.
Founder Truett Cathy. They gave him a really cool statue of Jesus washing the desciples feet, but I didn't get a picture of it before they took it out of the lobby.
Closest Brad is getting to a Wii for quite some time.
This is one of the roller coasters we went on at Universal Studios. It shot you out of the covered part at 40 mph.
The next day we went to Sea World. We got to see dolphins up close, if we weren't so cheap, we could have feed them.If you ask Brad, this was the best part of the entire trip. There was a ride that is like a longer version of Splash down mountain (Six Flags.) The first part of the ride was inside a building with exhibits and the end was a steep fall into water. Well, the best part was almost everybody thought the "getting wet" part was over after the fall. As they go around the curve, water shoots at them in two different spots, soaking the back rows. Our friend Ryan was in the back of the boat. And he got soaked.
That is him in the white, sitting next to an Amish guy. (Ryan said he was sitting originally by an Amish girl, but the guy switched as soon as he saw that Ryan was going to sit there.) Anyway, Brad and I watched from a bridge while Ryan was waiting in line and then had to pull Brad away after Ryan was finished. We kept waiting for someone like Sandra, who hates to get their hair wet. We did get to see a few people like that, it was pretty funny.
Rylee would have liked the penguins, they look just like the ones from the movie Happy Feet.

Thatcher's 1 year old!!!

Thatcher's birthday party was today. We had a lot of fun.
I wasn't taking the pictures, this time, Brad did.
All the kids got to help Thatcher open his presents. Reese is getting ready for her party next week.
Mitch decided Ashtyn needed a bigger bow in her hair.
Our friends, Chad and Keri, from Abilene got to come in for the party. We finally got to meet their boys, Kayden and J.D., they adopted.

Friday, February 15, 2008

Pooped in the Potty

Pooped in the Potty!!!! 20 minutes after peeing in the potty, Reese pooped in the potty. She didn't want to get off the potty, and every 2 minutes she came running in the living room naked from the bottom down saying "I went potty, yeah"

Peed in the Potty

Reese peed in the potty!!!!!!! She has been taking her clothes off at school this week, and then her diaper and telling her teacher "potty" I guess now we have to go get a potty and a seat and pullups......Well, Brad and I are going to Orlando for Seminar on Sunday, sounds like mom and dad will have fun this week!!!!

Monday, February 4, 2008

Shirt says it all!

Don't let the sweet face fool you. Her shirt says it all.

...for example...she bit her sister during the Super Bowl and when asked if she bit Rylee, she said yes with a huge grin on her face. I don't know who is paying for their raising more, Brad or me?

Let's Jump

We went to a double birthday party at Let's Jump this weekend. This is the same place Rylee had her party back in September. Reese didn't want anything to do with the slides during Rylee's party, oh but, how things change with 4 short months.

Reese now has her own attitude. I had to drag her up the first time and then after that it was "no, momma. I do it"....and she did it her own way....belly style!
...even with Rylee to help her...belly style
She was so excited when Thatcher got there. (Thatcher is a big word and she can say it.) She was helping him walk, but he wasn't going in the direction she wanted.
...she got frustrated, but did try to help him up.
...still not going where she wants. Which way do we go now?
Thatch got to go down, too.

...but he wasn't sure if he liked it, especially when Angela pushed him down, belly-style, by himself.